
All applicants for FII funding must set up a user account through the online Funding Management System (FMS) at www.buildwithwood.ca. All submissions of proposals will be completed through the FMS.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully review relevant documents before applying for funding such as the updated Application Guide (for both programs), the Market Initiatives Investment Strategy, the Wood First Investment Plan and the Wood First 3-Year Strategy. All documents can be downloaded at the links below.

Though this year’s call is now closed, we invite you to review our process and eligibility information in preparation for next year.

For eligibility information, please review our Market Initiatives and Wood First funding program pages and read the eligibility section carefully.

Evaluation Process

  1. 1.

    Proposals will be evaluated against standardized criteria to ensure they meet program eligibility requirements. An evaluation panel made up of representatives from the funding organization(s) and independent experts will review and rank all proposals submitted through the FMS. The evaluation process will be monitored by the BC Government’s Citizens Services Branch to ensure that the evaluation is fair, equitable, and objective.

  2. 2.

    The panel will provide recommendations for funding to FII’s President & CEO for final review and decision. All proponents will be advised of their evaluation outcome in late February, and FII staff will work with successful proponents to negotiate Recipient Agreements that will govern their program for that year.

  3. 3.

    FII reserves the right to modify the terms of this Call for Proposals at its sole discretion. This includes the right to cancel this Call for Proposals at any time prior to entering into a contract with successful applicants. This Call for Proposals should not be construed as an agreement to purchase goods or services, or to provide project funding. FII is not bound to enter into a Recipient Agreement with the applicant who submits the lowest priced proposal, nor with any applicant. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Call for Proposals, FII may cancel, modify or amend this Call for Proposals.

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Wood First Application Guide

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Wood First Investment Plan 2024-25

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Market Initiatives Application Guide

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Market Initiatives Investment
Strategy 2024-25

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Funding Management System
User Guide 2024-25

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Wood First 3-Year Strategy


For an overview of our recipient projects completed in 2023/24, please download our Year in Review
